Title: Mahou Sensei Negima
Plot: Negi Springfield, a ten year old boy aiming to become a Minister Magi (Mage) has one last obstacle to pass: to teach a class of middle school girls. So he travels from Wales, England to Japan, Mahora Academy to teach. On his way to the school he meets one girl named Kagaruzaka Asuna, the school being all girls and Negi Being 10 years old, she tells Negi that the junior school is one stop ahead. But what she didn't know that he was a magician-to-be and that he would be her homeroom teacher.
Mahou Sensei Negima has a nice storyline to it, rather sweet. The Creator has made it so that the main characters are connected in some way and so it enhances the story line with the fact that they all do know each other but they don't realise it. e.g
The secondary main character Kagaruzaku Asuna whole life has been surrounded by magic and always has bought misfortune to others but to stop this while she was young, a magician called the "Thousand Master" helped her be rid of the misfortune for ten years. But Unknowingly The Thousand Master was in Fact Negi's Father
Even though the story seems rather kiddy, it has more mature facts to it also so it leaves out the middle age group ( 10-14). Also the fact that each and every character has different personalities, mental thought and physical thought adds to the watching experience XD
Nah, didn't like the music except the ED and a few inserts. To me the OP sounds like a Ranma 1/2 rip :/
The graphics suited to the story. but bit off in some places e.g hair colour. But the colours also suited the characters as well e.g Warm colours(red, orange) for more fiery, lively characters and cool colours( blue, purple) for the less lively. Also nothing absurdly insane e.g Porportion wise hair styles.
Mahou Sensei Negima is a heart warming story with everything needed to introduce someone into the slice of life genre and school life.
Story: 8.5
Graphics: 10/10
Music: 6/10
Overall: 7.5/10
IMO this is a must watch for people who are into school life, slice of life and fantasy genre who want a heartwarming story.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Wallpaper Collection » » Hoa's Mahou Sensei Negima Review