This anime is so insane! The plot is so bizarre its just hilarious, the character designs make for an extremely fun and funny anime. I mean from the lolicon uniform fetishist to the cute, funny and way to upbeat 13 year old to the insane father. Everything is just over the top so if your a fan of this genre its one2watch
Personally I don't think I've laughed like this since Golden Boy but for some reason it just doesn't stick out as much - 7/10
Graphics: Nothing really sticks out - the colours are really vibrant however sometimes the character designs seem a bit under-done - 5/10
Music: I didn't like like the music too much but as again its my taste most probably. I'm gona give it a 6/10 just because the brief second you hear the song "I'm a cute maid at a perverts house"
Overall: This is definitely something to watch when your bored and want something funny, it gets a very high 6 (possibly a 7)/10 and recommended to those of you who liked Golden Boy and/or Love Hina