Tuesday, October 2, 2007


It's a forum that provides tons of anime and manga that I joined over a year ago and stuck with. I recommend anyone who's reading this to join. It's a very open-minded community so even those who are into hentai, yuri and yaoi or shounen-ai can join. Nothing's really censored. Hell, nothing's ever censored at this place.

Currently, it provides more anime than manga though. You can access it all via forums. However, only Premium membership allows you to gain access to the majority of it all. Thankfully, it's a very low fee. There is now an Anime of the Month though which all members can download. I find that nifty. There's also the Public Anime section that's updated about once a day everytime new anime is released (also open to all members). =)

If you're wondering where I am on there, I go by lunar blade. I'm a staff member as you can see, so yeah I'm just advertising. :P

So, once again: http://www.otakara-island.com
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