Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Bonus 6: DMC's Trish

Wow you were brave enough it all the way to the end of my haunted castle. For deserve a reward so for my final bonus here are are a couple of caps of the sexy demon hunter from Devil May Cry Trish.

(These caps were from pleasant surprise in the Devil May Cry Anime episode 5: Rolling Thunder where Lady and Trish meet each other a boutique.)
I'd like to dedicate this post to Lawliet who's celebrating his Birthday today.

Trish has always been my favorite Devil May Cry girl and I was thrilled to see her go barefoot in this brief scene. ^_^ I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

Well...that concludes my series of Halloween bonuses. I would like to thank Aya, Alexia, Barbara, Cammy and Trish for helping me put my Haunted Castle together. Hopefully we'll be back to scare you guys next year.

Ok...tommorow begins a new that means there's quite a bit to do. I'll have the poll results, a new poll and a tribute to the winner up tommorow evening.

Have a good night everyone!!
-Haunted Castle Keeper
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