Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 4

Absolutely love it!! :D There's so much revelation in this episode. We learn a little more about Yuuki's past, we see the revival of Shiki's father (last week did mention a little about Shiki's father, but I don't quite expect him to be revived! If I'm not wrong, he may be the Main Villian..) and we find out the story behind the 'The Curse of the Twins' (remember Ichiru did mention last week?).And oh ya, I also took some nice angle shots of Zero and Ichijou. :D I simply can't wait for next week.. ^^Oh boy.. I really like his melancholic look..Ichijou is getting more and more good looking ^^Episode 4This episode starts with a nice angle shot of Shiki. :)He was informed by his uncle about his father's revival.Actually, his father was never dead. He resides in a little boy's body.. (is he the boy who bluffed Yuuki??..)After being revived, the first thing he does is to suck Shiki's blood... (oh.. poor Shiki.. he should have gone holidaying in Aidou's house with the rest..)Kaname, being very powerful, can feel the revival of Shiki's father..Meanwhile, Yuuki is having more flashbacks of her past. Due to her desire to learn more about her past, Zero decides to accompany her to the Vampire Hunters' Association 's Library to look for information about what happened 10 years ago.However, Cross and Yagari decide to tag along too... (I don't know why but it amuses me to see Zero angry.. :P)This is the Association President. (Looks and dresses like a girl but totally sound like a guy... hmm.. my guess is.. he's a guy. What do you think?)In the Library, the President brings Zero into a room. Zero smells a strong stench of blood and that makes Zero feel horrible. In the room, the President reveals to Zero that he should take the blood of a pureblood if he doesn't wish to become a Level E (aye.. a bit slow of the President.. Zero has already sucked the blood of Kaname =/). He also tells Zero about the 'Curse of the Twins' (to keep long story short, it means that in a vampire hunter family, no twins can survive as 2. One will absorb the energy of the other and survive... so scary.. I hope it's just a myth..)Suddenly, Yuuki screams. The page that has what happened 10 years ago written, magically burns on its own. (someone very powerful must be behind it.. *hinting at Kaname)Back home, Yuuki tells Zero about her fear and Zero comforts her (another nice shot.. :P)Kaname return to the dorm early from Aidou's house and he bought a rose for Yuuki.And a cursed puppet for Zero?!!! Of course Zero rejects.. haha...Back in Kaname's room, Aidou reaffirms his support for Kaname and promises to help him no matter what. Kaname also reveals to Aidou that his parents did not commit suicide but were murdered.. (by Shiki's father? Just my guess.. it could also be Kaname?..)Ichijou is asked to return home because his grandfather wants to show him...Shiki's father...Seems like the plot is getting more interesing :)Bookmark and Share
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