Halfway through the episode, I thought that the highlight of this episode must be the special past Tsugura Ren and Kyoko share. Oh boy, I'm wrong!The face-off between Kyoko
(in Chicken Mascot costume) and Fuwa Sho in a variety show is the highlight! It's very funny and entertaining! Kyoko is as funny and scary as ever! She tries to spoil Sho's image and career by planting personal and embarrassing questions for the host to ask him. So far, only 1 question has been asked. However, Sho not only manages to escape embarrassment, he also manages to multiply his cool factor.I can't wait! I want to know what's the 2nd question! (^_-)-☆
Episode 10
While trying to encourage Maria to face her father, Kyoko is reminded of her parents - father who is no longer around and mother who abandoned her when she was young.

Kyoko uses her special stone named Corn to absorb all her sadness.

Sawara suddenly appears and gives Kyoko a shock. She drops her precious stone.

Ren is the one who picks it up.

Kyoko is very sad to lose Corn. When being asked why that stone is so precious and why it's named Corn, she reveals when she was young, a boy named Corn gave her the stone. Corn gave the stone to her in the hope that it will reduce her tears.

Ren is shocked to hear that.

Ren returns her the stone. Kyoko is very grateful and happy.

Ren asks Kyoko if she's from Kyoto. The question gives Kyoko a surprise. She wonders how he knows. Ren then goes on about how common the stone is in Kyoto. Kyoko believes him but it's actually all bluff. Ren reminds Kyoko not to be so trusting and asks her if Sho is the one who breaks her heart. Though Kyoko gives no answer, her expression tells everything. He sarcastically tells her that in this world, the ones who are deceived are in the wrong.

Kyoko is damn p*ssed with Ren. However, she knows that whatever she says, she won't win. Instead of refuting, she shows him a thumb down!

Ren is deep in thoughts in his car. He's surprised about how much a person can change
(referring to Kyoko: from cute Kyoko to vengeful Kyoko). He then realizes that he's the one who changes the most.
(He's Corn!)
Sawara informs Kyoko of '
Love Me' Section's new task. She excitedly runs off to inform Kotonami.

Kyoko has always wanted female friends who she can call out to. However, she never had a close female friend because of Sho. All the girls were too jealous of her closeness with Sho to be friends with her.

Kyoko feels angry thinking about that. Kotonami tries to calm her down by asking her what the new task is.

The new task is to help out in a variety show. Kyoko is forced to be the Chicken Mascot of the show.

The special guest is.. Fuwa Sho!

This is Kyoko's reaction!!

When the host asks Sho whether he has watched the variety show before, he coolly answers, 'No, I hardly watch TV'.Upon hearing that, Kyoko recalls those days he laughed out loudly while watching comedy shows.

Kyoko thinks that since she's in a costume, it's the perfect opportunity for her to take revenge. She's supposed to take the eggs out. Inside the eggs are questions from fans to Sho.

Kyoko plants some personal and embarassing questions for the host to ask Sho. She wants to embarrass Sho in front of all his fans!

The first question: 'What is your Real Name? Are you mindful of it?'

Sho is shocked! This is one of his most feared question. He did not even tell his company that his real name is Fuwa Shoutaro.
(Japanese names with Taro are supposedly very uncool)
Sho then coolly answers 'Sorry, I can't reveal. The cost of entering this industry is becoming a man who has lost my past. If I ever say my real name, that's the time I give up my career and my name Fuwa Sho!'.

The fans are blown away by his cool reply. Kyoko is devastated by the same reply.

Sho is very satisfied and happy with his cool reply.

Kyoko promises that the next question will bring him to Hell!
(LOL.. can't wait!!)