Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bleach Episode 207

Hiyori is so cute!! She looks especially cute when she's angry. Her kicks and punches are awesome. I think she's the only one in Soul Society who can get away from punching and kicking Taichou (Urahara and Shinji). \(^.-)/So far, I really like the exchanges between Urahara and Hiyori (funny!) , Shinji and Hiyori (very funny!!) , and Shinji and Aizen (interesting!). Shinji seems to be the only one who knows what Aizen is up to. This goes to show how sharp Shinji is compared to the others.So far, it's one manga chapter per episode. This is a great!! If they continue with this speed, there will be another 10 episodes of TBTP arc and hope this means no more Bleach fillers after this arc.Next week, Urahara and Hiyori will visit the Maggots' Nest. This means that we'll see the scary looking Mayuri Kurotsuchi.SummaryAs Urahara enters the room, he apologizes to all the Taichou for being late and says that it's a pleasure to meet everyone. Some of the Taichou give him condescending looks and he nervously asks if it is alright to continue with the meeting. Yoruichi then yells at him and asks him to show more dignity. He is pushed in by Yamamoto and the welcoming ceremony for the new Taichou begins.After the ceremony, Urahara is brought to his new squad and is introduced to his new subordinates. His vice Taichou is Hiyori. He tries to be on good terms with her but she yells at him, saying that he is a "sneaky bastard" from the Covert Ops and that he is a lazy bum. Urahara merely laughs at what she says and this causes her to be more p*ssed. He tries calming her down, but she kicks him instead.One afternoon, Hiyori catches Urahara slacking, along with 2 other Shinigami. She reiterates that she does not accept him as her Taichou and challenges him to a fight. Urahara accepts the challenge but requests for no weapons to be used. The fight starts. Hiyori runs towards Urahara and gives him a strong kick on his face. It appears that she has won. Hiyori leaves the scene immediately and recalls how Urahara saw through her move and moved his head back for her to kick. She wonders to herself if he didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone.That night, Urahara is alone outside his room and lost in thoughts. Shinji suddenly appears. He tells Urahara that Hiyori looks up to Hikifune as her mother, so it will be hard to win her over. Shinji also gives some advice to Urahara on how to be a Taichou before leaving. On his way back, he removes the barrier created by Aizen and asks Aizen to stop eavesdropping. Aizen comments that Shinji is a really scary person, to which, Shinji replies that Aizen is the real scary one.The next day, Hiyori is p*ssed with Urahara for redesigning the Taichou chamber. Urahara tries to calm her down and tells her that he will try to learn about her bit by bit and hope that she will do the same. Hiyori is a little shocked to hear that but gives him a punch anyway. After that, Urahara asks her to accompany him to the Maggots' Nest.PicturesHiyori: 'Ouch!! What the hell is he wearing under his pants?' LOLAwesome kicks from Hiyori!Urahara, the slacker!Urahara vs Hiyori!Hiyori wins?!Maybe not!Shinji: 'Just do as you like. If then no one follows you, it just means you ain't good enough for them.' (I love this quote!)Aizen: 'When did you notice me?'Shinji: 'Ever since you were in your mama's belly.'Aizen: 'Taichou, you really are a scary person.'Shinji: 'That's my line.'Hiyori: 'The Maggots' Nest?Bookmark and Share
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