Bentendo OwEe arc - Episodes 98 and 99.I've watched these 2 episodes many times.. simply too hilarious!! All the parodies, from Heidi to Nintendo Wii to Mario, totally crack me up! How I wish I can play the 'Dragon Hunter 3' (Virtual Reality game) they are playing. It looks like an awesome game.Anyway, I'll be sharing with you more about Gintama by story arcs. I love Gintama and all their story arcs are awesome!! And of course, their usual episodes are great too! (^ω^)V
SummaryIt's New Year's eve and thousands of otaku are lining up for the world famous Bentendo OwEe! Not only is OwEe popular among otaku, it's also popular among Samurai! In the queue, we can find Yorozuya (Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura), Katsura and Elizabeth, and Shinsengumi (Kondo, Hijikata, Sougo and Yamazaki).Finally, at 12 midnight, the Bentendo shop opens. Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Kondo, Hijikata and Sougo are the first few to rush in. Their action causes a big commotion. Then, the boss appears and decides to let Yorozuya team and Shinsengumi team challenge each other to win the coveted Bentendo OwEe. With this, the fun begins!! (^.^)/
PicturesThis is what Everyone is doing while queuing:

The wait is finally over. It's time to grab the OwEe.Yorozuya team vs Shinsengumi team

Round 1: Girl's Game (Bakiboki Memorial)

Katsura and Elizabeth appear suddenly as Katsuo and Luigi!

Round 1: Kondo vs. Katsuo

Round 2: Nobunaga’s Vomiting Tetris Ambition

Shinpachi vs Yamazaki (Battle of the jimi) *jimi means plain*

Round 3: Dragon Hunter 3

Chourou!!~~ (Elder)Awesome weapons!

Haha... what a fun game! (^_-)-☆