Oh man... 1 synchronization sequence is bad enough.. in this episode.. there are 2. To be fair, Steiner/Excel's synchronization sequence is a little better than Kuro/Keita's.So far, I'm still lukewarm about
Kurokami and none of the characters appeals to me. However, I'm still quite intrigued by the plot. Not much has been revealed so far. In the next episode, Kuro, Keita and maybe Akane should be making their way to Okinawa. Hopefully that will reveal more about the plot.
SummaryThe fight between Kuro and Steiner begins. Steiner is much stronger than Kuro and has the upper hand. After watching Kuro being beaten around for around 5 minutes, Keita finally decides to synchronize. A synchronized Kuro is more powerful than Steiner and Kuro manages to use her Exceed, named 'Revival of Destruction', to punch Steiner. This is Kuro's first time using Exceed and she needs Excel to explain to her about it. Kuro then tries to punch Steiner again but fails as Excel uses a Spell bind, named the power of 'Thousand', to shield Steiner from the attack. After that, Steiner and Excel also synchronize. Steiner uses his Exceed, named 'Stampede', to create clones of himself. A synchronized Steiner proves to be too powerful and Kuro and Keita are defeated.After the fight, Excel expresses her wish to ask Keita and Kura some questions. Excel and Steiner send them home and stay on to ask the questions. Excel reveals to them that Steiner and herself are from the organization called 'The Noble One'. They are sent to Tokyo to investigate on the reason behind the unusual disturbance in the balance of Tera. They show them photograph, which was taken 7 years ago in Okinawa. In the photograph, there are a few people. One of them has a tattoo on his hand and Kuro immediately recognizes that tattoo, but she keeps it to herself. Keita also sees his 'mother' in the picture.After Excel and Steiner leave, Kuro informs Keita of her decision to go Okinawa. She wants to go after the person with the tattoo - her brother. Keita decides to go too as he wants to find out more about the truth behind the photograph.At the end of the episode, Keita's 'mother' (Hiyou calls her Mikami) is killing some Tribal Ends, under the instruction of Hiyou.

Every time I see their synchronization sequence, I can't help but laugh. It really looks amateurish.

Kuro uses her Exceed and manages to..

punch Steiner.

Excel's Spell Bind, named the power of 'Thousand', which acts like a shield.

Steiner and Excel's synchronization.

The guy with tattoo is Kuro's brother and the woman in green top is Keita's 'mother'.
