This is my favorite episode in
Kurokami so far.In this episode, we see another new pair of Mitotsumitama and contractee, Yakumo and Riona. Among all Mitotsumitama, I like Yakumo the best. He looks really cool when he fights. ^-^ As for pairings, I like Steiner and Excel the best. They may look very different but they seem to understand each other the most.Anyway, finally, Keita is behaving more like a man. He was more like a wimp in the previous episodes. Hopefully, he can keep this up.
SummaryAkane is going to Okinawa with Kuro and Keita. Hiyou's underling has placed a Voice WireTapping Device in Keita's place and he calls Hiyou to inform him of their plan to go to Okinawa. Meanwhile, Hiyou is angry to see his 'playground' destroyed. He orders his underling to catch the culprit and he also decides to go look for Kuro.The next day, on their way to the aiport, Kuro, Keita and Akane bumps into Yakumo and Riona who are pursued by some Tribal Ends. Yakumo manages to fight off the Tribal Ends single-handedly. Yakumo is a Mitotsumitama and he serves Kuro, who is actually a Princess of their Tribe. Yakumo is surprised that Keita is Kuro’s contractee as Keita is someone with very low Tera. Riona then boasts that she is a Master Root, created by the Kaionji Group. She escaped from Kaionji Group, bumped into Yakumo and became his contractee. The two of them accompanied Kuro, Keita and Akane to the airport.At the airport, Kuro shares with Keita about her Tribe and her painful past. The place she lived in is called the Holy Land and it used to be a peaceful place. However, one day, her brother, Reishin killed their mother and many of the other tribe members. Suddenly, Hiyou shows up in the middle of their conversation. Hiyou declares that Kuro is his and vows to kill Keita. Kuro tries to protect Keita but Hiyou is simply too strong. Hiyou then provokes Keita to synchro with Kuro. Keita thinks about Shingo and that makes him hesitant to synchro. However, seeing Kuro getting overpowered, Keita manages to muster some courage to synchro with Kuro. Kuro immediately uses Exceed but even Exceed is not enough to scratch Hiyou.Yakumo and Riona then come to their rescue. They immediately synchro and fight Hiyou. Yakumo barely manages to keep up with Hiyou, despite Hiyou not having his contractee by his side. Hiyou then decides to leave and before he does, he tells Kuro that he will let her meet his contractee soon.While Keita and Kuro are waiting for their flight, Keita tells Kuro that it's alright for her to cry if her heart is in pain. He also promises to fight by her side until he repays Kuro for saving his life. Just before their departure, Excel and Steiner come to see them off. Excel gives Keita a ring, 'Thousand', which acts as a catalyst for the contractee to use special powers. To master its power, Keita needs to practice daily. She then asks Keita to bend down and she comments that he has a better look and gives him a kiss on his cheeks. Before she leaves, she tells Keita that only the contractee can save the Mototsumitama when they are in a dire situation.

Yakumo and Riona

Kuro's sad past:

Hiyou appears..


(o_o) kiss!!