So touching!! I love this episode. I'm really touched by the connection which Natsume and Reiko shares. Even though they are both in different worlds now, Natsume is slowly but surely learning more about Reiko.I'm also very touched by the love Natsume has for his guardians and the love his guardians have for him. Natsume is such a caring and sweet boy and I'm glad that his guardians care for him so much. I really hope that one day, Natsume will unlock his heart and share his secret with them.
SummaryOne day, Natsume walks home with Shigeru-san and they find mysterious footprints and markings in front of the Fujiwara house. Strange things also start to happen inside the house. Natsume believes that a youkai is behind everything. According to Shigeru-san, similar things had happened when he was a child. However, it all stopped after a beautiful young girl visited the house. Natsume suspects that the girl is his grandmother, Reiko.The next day, Natsume asks Shigeru-san more about the girl. Shigure-san can't quite remember her name and face but remembers that she was a strange but kind person. When she knew about the strange things that was happening in Shigeru-san's house, she asked if she could visit his place. At his place, she went into a room in the second level and wreaked the room. Shigeru-san never found out why she did it but 'coincidentally', strange things stopped happening in the house. After the incident, Shigeru-san sometimes bumped into her but she always smiled and ran off.After talking to Shigeru-san, the youkai appears again. According to Nyanko-sensei, the youkai is a Karime. It brings misfortune to the inhabitants of the house it likes. It will try all means to drive them away so that it can take over. Natsume gives chase but is captured by the Karime instead. When Natsume is captured, for a brief moment, Reiko's memories flow into him and he sees how Reiko defeated the Karime and protected this house. After being saved by Nyanko-sensei, Natsume resolves to protect the house too. Following what Reiko did, Natsume manages to get rid of the Karime. However, his room is in a complete mess. Hearing the loud noise, Shigeru-san rushes to Natsume's room. Not wanting to worry Shigeru-san, Natsume decides not to reveal anything and volunteers to pay for all the damages. With a smile, Shigeru-san asks Natsume not to worry about the money as this is Natsume's house too.
Mysterious footprints and markings!

When Shigeru-san was a child, he had hung out with Reiko before.

The youkai, Karime, attacks Natsume.

Reiko: 'Now, Get out! I won't let you destroy this place. This is where the boy I like lives.' (So touching!!)Nyanko-sensei to the rescue!

Following what Reiko did, Natsume manages to exorcise the Karime.

Shigeru-san: 'Takashi, don't worry about the money. I told you before, this is your house.'

(This scene totally makes me cry!)