What a surprise! I never thought that the Supporter is one of the Selecao. After last week's episode, I thought that Kondo's wife may be a Supporter and each Selecao had their own Supporter. So, the fact is Kondo was suspecting Akira to be the Supporter. Well... my guesses were way off. (xOx)The whole Selecao system set up by Mr Outside seems interesting and exciting. However, I think that it's also a cruel system as only one of the twelve can survive. It seems more like a 'Survivor' game than a 'Save Japan' game. I was feeling a little sad to know that Hiura would be killed by the Supporter. I think to use the money for the good of the elderly is a real good thing.Since the whole Selecao system has been explained, the only questions left are why Akira erased his own memories and what was he doing before he erased his memories?
Mini SummarySaki returns home and the first person she sees is her sister’s husband Ryousuke and he expresses how glad he is that she’s home safely.Meanwhile, Akira calls Juiz to ask her about the 20,000 NEETs, however, she does not know much. All she can confirm is that he's the one who gathered them. When Akira asks her about the Supporter, she explains that the Supporter is one of the 12 Selecao who is assigned with the responsibility of removing those who are unfit to be a Selecao. Akira then remembers what Kondou had said to him and decides to look at the purchase history of one of the Selecao. With Juiz’s help, he's able to find out that this Selecao is located in a hospital.When Akira is riding on his motorcycle, he passes by an area where one of the missiles hit. He then looks down from the edge of the highway and jumps into the hole. As he jumps, he sees himself landing unscathed and a group of white figures emerging from the electronic screens, which are in a pile of rubble. The white figures jump towards him and Akira recognizes them as Johnny. Akira is initially happy to see them but when they start hurting him, he scolds and scares them off. Then, he regains his senses and realizes that he did not jump into the hole at all.Back at Saki’s room, she's lying on the bed and thinking of Akira. After a little hesitation, she decides to send him a message expressing her concern.Akira has arrived at Hiura General Hospital, and he asks the receptionist about the purchase of an MRI machine. The receptionist thinks that the person who bought the machine might be Chief Physician. Since Akira doesn’t have an appointment, he decides to leave his phone number and a message identifying him as a Selecao. While waiting, Akira picks up a magazine to read. An old man walks past, throws the magazine away and comments that Hiura is their savior. Akira then receives a message from Saki, but before he can read it, he gets a phone call from Selecao No. V, who thinks that Akira is the Supporter. He says that he does not mind being killed, but he's unwilling to die when he's still got some money left. Selecao No. V does not know about Akira's past, but he's willing to help Akira by telling him how he came to posses the phone. Selecao No. V then asks his nurse to bring Akira some medicine. The medicine causes Akira to lose consciousness, and when he wakes up again, he finds himself in an empty room. Near him, there's a small robot which presents Akira with his phone. The phone rings and the caller is someone who introduces himself as Mr Outside. He explains that he chose twelve people to save this country and they are called Selecao. One of them is the Supporter who comes into action when one of the other Selecao does not fulfill the expectation of being a Selecao. Only Mr Outside knows who the Supporter is, and he won’t say if Akira is the Supporter or not. Mr Outside also reveals that the Selecao are not allowed to refuse their mission and they all each have 10 billion yen credited into their mobile phones and they are allowed to use it in any way they think can help to save the country. He also goes on and talk about penalties. In this 'game', death is a guaranteed for those who abandon their mission and try to escape, those who don’t use the mobile phone for a long period of time and don’t achieve any results, those who use the money for their own desires rather than for national interests, and finally, those who run out of money before having the country saved. In the end, only the Selecao who accomplishes the mission gets to live.After the explanation by Mr Outside, Hiura appears in the room. He explains that he put Akira to sleep because he had to go through a prefectural assembly, and he was afraid that Akira's the Supporter. As a Selecao and a doctor, Hiura has done many things to help the senior citizens in the country. However, Hiura knows that all that he had done is only his personal ideal and does not meet Mr Outside's expectations. Unfortunately for Akira, Hiura does not know anything about Akira's past, but he does know that Akira had purchased a shopping mall in a ghost town as well as 500 freight containers and entertainment expenses for the Foreign Ministry. He comments that since Akira had intentionally erased his own past and bet on his new self, he believes that Akira is fine the way he is now.Before Akira leaves the hospital, Hiura comments on how glad he is to have met him before he dies. Hiura then calls Juiz to thank her for all she did, and moments later, a man who Hiura identifies as the Supporter enters his office. As Akira is getting ready to ride off, his mobile phone beeps, and he notices the No. V symbol fading out. Instantly, Akira knows that the Supporter is cause of it. Akira is frustrated and feels that he won’t be satisfied until he hits the guy who set all this up.
PicturesSaki's sister

Saki's sister's husband (Hmm... isn't that the diver and dolphin movie poster in the background? Does that mean Saki like her sister's husband?)

Akira is at the edge of the highway and...

he jumps.

Johnny! (Eek! Blue tongue?!)

Is Saki lovesick? ♥

Akira is on the phone with Selecao No. V.

After taking the medication given by Selecao No. V, Akira loses his consciousness.

Akira is listening to Mr Outside.

While listening to Mr Outside, Akira recalls a little about his past.

Selecao No. V - Hiura

The Supporter?!