I love the battles!!
Mustang (more correctly, Hawkeye) vs Scar is hilarious! It always amuses me to see Mustang useless in the rain.
Armstrong vs Scar is great! This battle is more exciting than that of the first anime.
Elric Brothers vs Scar is as depressing as the battle in the first anime. The way Scar destroyed Al's body and Ed's arm was terrible. (v.v)
Mini SummaryAfter Ed wakes up from a horrifying nightmare about his mom and Nina, he and Al drop by Mustang's office to inquire about Shou Tucker and Nina. Outside Mustang's office, they bump into Riza Hawkeye. She reveals that Shou Tucker and Nina have both been killed and she's now on her way to the crime scene. Ed and Al want to go along but she disallows them. At the crime scene, Hughes and Armstrong tell Mustang about the man with a scar on his forehead whom they’ve dubbed Scar. Scar is going after State alchemists and thus far he has killed many of them, including Tucker and Basque Gran. Mustang is shocked to hear that and he suddenly has a bad feeling about who the next target might be.Meanwhile, back in Lior, Lust and Gluttony, along with Envy disguising as Father Cornello, are attempting to cause a rebellion using the faith of the locals. Lust reveals to Envy that she doesn’t like Ed, but she knows that they can’t let him die since they’re going to use him as a sacrifice.Back at Central, in the rain, Ed and Al are reflecting on what alchemy is. Ed feels that he hasn’t matured at all since the time they tried to revive their mother. Suddenly, Scar appears and attacked them relentlessly and they barely have enough time to react to his attacks. They quickly run away until they are cornered and are forced to defend themselves. However, they are of no match for Scar and he manages to destroy Ed's arm and Al's body. Just as Scar is about to finish Ed off, Mustang arrives. Mustang tries to fight Scar, but knowing how useless Mustang is in the rain, Hawkeye trips Mustang and shoots at Scar, forcing Scar to back off a little. Then, Armstrong steps in and fights Scar. During the fight, Armstrong realizes that Scar is an alchemist as well. Ed then figures out that Scar stops at the second (decomposition) of the three stages of transmutation. When Scar finds an opening to attack Armstrong, Armstrong immediately backs off and Hawkeye uses the opportunity to shoot Scar. She manages to knock off his sunglasses, revealing his red eyes. The red eyes, along with his dark skin, gives away the fact that Scar is an Ishbal citizen. Though Scar is surrounded by the military, he manages to create a hole in the ground and escape. Since the fight is over, Ed quickly runs over to check on Al but gets hit on the head because Al is angry that Ed didn’t run away earlier. Al calls Ed an idiot for choosing death and he insists that Ed should live in order to study alchemy more so that he can find ways to return them to their original bodies and to save girls like Nina.In the aftermath, Mustang tells Ed and Al about Ishbal Massacre. Mustang thinks that it's understandable why Scar wants revenge, but Ed thinks otherwise as he feels that it's wrong of Scar to drag in people who have nothing to do with it. Regardless, Mustang declares that they have to kill Scar. As for Ed, he decides that he and Al have to move forward, but first they have to return to Risembool to repair their bodies.
PicturesFather Cornello?!

His real identity is Envy!

Scar's target - Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric

Scar destroys Al's body and Ed's arm.

Mustang appears!

Hawkeye rocks!!

Poor Mustang!

Armstrong vs Scar

The red eyes and dark skin prove that Scar is an Ishbal citizen.

Mustang tells Ed and Al about the Ishbal massacre.

Ed decides to continue moving forward. But first, he will need Winry's help.