Episodes 13 and 14 are simply great! Lots of revelations and it's really exciting! I'm very amazed by the revelations so far. I also love the fact that even though both episodes are darker and deeper than usual, there are still moments which crack me up.
What's Hot?Gil is still scared of cats!! - LOL To be frank, I've totally forgotten that Gil is scared of cats. His reaction is really funny!

Sharon's chain is a black unicorn! - Beautiful!!
Cheshire Cat reveals to Oz that Alice was the one who erased her own memories and the dimension was created from Alice's memories. Cheshire Cat's role is to protect Alice's memories so that no one can find them. - Reminds me of Akira from Eden of the East. Why do they erase their memories and then chase after it?
According to Vincent, 100 years ago, the capital city Sabrie was swallowed into Abyss because of the Baskervilles and the mastermind was Glen Baskervilles. The Four Great Duke Houses each hold chains and a door to the Abyss. The fifth door is held by the Baskervilles. Pandora's aim is to get hold of the fifth door and get into Abyss. - Very interesting revelation!
Gil, who was slashed by Cheshire Cat earlier, regains consciousness in a garden and encounters the man in Alice's memories. Due to his blond hair and emerald green eyes, Gil mistakes him for Oz. The man reveals his name to be Jack Bezarius. - So good looking!! Oz's great great great grandfather?!!
When Oz is being attacked by Cheshire Cat, Jack pulls him into the mirror, and Oz and Gil reunite. - Jack is so cool!!
Cheshire Cat enters the mirror to go after Break. However, Break manages come out of the mirror and get the better of Cheshire Cat by revealing his missing eye to unleash the Mad Hatter. - Break looks cool when he does not smile. His smile is too quirky.
In order to find Alice, Jack sends Oz into the memory of the Tragedy of Sabrie, where Oz sees a little boy who he believes to be Vincent. From what he sees, he deduces that Gil is from 100 years ago too. - What a revelation!!!
Jack knows about Gil's past and Gil seems to be suppressing those memories. - Poor Gil! His past must be painful and it's definitely related to the Tragedy of Sabrie.
Oz chases after the boy and follows him to a tower where finds Alice, dead. - Now the question is 'Who has killed Alice?!'
What's Not?Again, everything is perfect except for animation quality.