This is one of the few anime series which caught my eye this Summer season. From the first episode, I think this series looks promising. It's mysterious, suspenseful and it also has moments of humor and lameness. The most interesting thing about this episode is that Maria says that she has met Beatrice and she even borrows an umbrella from her.Since the first episode introduces many characters, I shall do a character introduction. Let's take a look at each and everyone of them:
Battler UshiromiyaBattler is 18 years old and he's the son of Rudolf and Kyrie. My impression of him is he's cheerful, intelligent and he has a fetish for boobs. =.=||
George UshiromiyaGeorge is the son of Eva and Hideyoshi. He appears to be the oldest among all the grandchildren. He looks mature and he's very sweet to Maria.
Maria UshiromiyaMaria is Rosa's daughter. She's cute, pure and she firmly believes in Beatrice and witchcraft. She is known for her catchphrase 'uu' when she is excited, confused, or frustrated. I do find her cute and sweet most of the time but whenever she goes 'uu', I feel very irritated.
Rosa UshiromiyaRosa is Kinzou's daughter. She appears to be mild-tempered, kind and earnest. However, she does get angry when Maria makes too much 'uu' sound.
Eva and Hideyoshi UshiromiyaEva is Kinzou's daughter. She appears hostile towards Krauss's wife, Natsuhi. Hideyoshi is Eva's husband and he seeks Kinzo's fortune because there are some people trying to buy the shares of his company.
Rudolf and Kyrie UshiromiyaRudolf is Kinzou's son. He seeks Kinzo's fortune to settle a few million dollars court case in America. Kyrie is Rudolf's wife and she appears to be much younger than Rudolf.
Jessica UshiromiyaJessica is the daughter of Krauss and Natsuhi. She seems independent and she's the one who beats up Battler for his perverse behavior.
Krauss UshiromiyaKrauss is Kinzou's eldest son. He seems to be embezzling his father's money and his siblings are using that to extort money from him. However, their plan fails as Krauss insists that he has no money and he knows the reason behind why they need money.
Kinzou UshiromiyaKinzou is the head of the Ushiromiya family. He has been sick for a long time and is expected to die within three months. He is hostile towards his own sons and daughters, and he strongly believes in witchcraft. His wish is to meet Beatrice, the Golden Witch. He gives Beatrice back the token of the head of the Ushiromiya family to summon her to his side.
Natsuhi UshiromiyaNatsuhi is Krauss' wife. She is looked down upon by Eva because she is not truly of the Ushiromiya family.
BeatriceBeatrice is also known as the Golden Witch. Both Kinzou and Maria believe in her existence. Maria says that she has met Beatrice and she even borrows an umbrella from her. She seems to be related to the golden butterfly.
Chiyo Kumasawa Kumasawa is an old servant of the Ushiromiya household. She appears jovial and loves to joke.
KanonKanon is a young servant. He is a serious and fervent butler, who carries out his master's orders thoroughly. He appears to be antisocial and he thinks of himself as a 'furniture'.
Toushirou GoudaHe was a famous chef at a famous hotel. Now, he works for the Ushiromiya household.
ShanonShanon is a young servant. The only thing known so far is she has big boobs.
Genji RonoueHe appears to be the highest ranking servant as he is the one who serves Kinzou.