(These are a combination of webfinds and caps from the Soul Eater anime...most notable episodes 7, 12 and 19. I had a massive amount of help with material for this one, special thank yous to Felipe Pantaleão, Ayane Matrix, the Sole Keeper and the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for some really awesome material.)
If 118 caps of Medusa's glorious feet weren't enough to satisfy your barefoot witch craving.
Here's another jawdropping collection of pictures courtesy of the her number one fan Ayane Matrix.
I had so many cool versions of the infamous frog squish scene that I couldn't decide which one to post so I just combined the best caps from each. ^_^; Hope you guys didn't mind seeing her squish him repeatedly.
Medusa is basically the reason that the villainess takeover was created. She's the ultimate badgirl...sexy, intelligent, a powerful magic user with a penchant for total domination. She also clever enough to know that having a willing footslave means one less person to bend to her will and shows off attractive bare soles throughout the series. Just for the record the scene involving that really lucky frog is one of my favorite anime related foot scenes of all time. :-)
Ok...after 3 months of adoring evil girl's feet. I think we've all reached (and probably have long gone past our hotness limit). Rather than risk any more cases of barefoot shock, I'm gonna take a break from posting bad girls for a while and focus on some other sets. I should probably mention that there are 12 villainesses that I didn't post and knowing them...they're definitely not going to let me get away with it. Chances are good that I'll be forced to post some tributes for them eventually. ^_^
So...where does that leave us now? Well...while I was being forced to massage all those villainess feet, I accumulated quite the backlog of cool material so there's a lot of great sets coming up. Everything from Super Heroines, Deviant Artists, Spellcasters, Martial Artists and Pokemon Trainers will be popping up next month. :-D I'll talk more about all of these in future entries next week.
Alright...just to give Medusa a little bit of screentime since I posted this tribute to her late in the evening, I'm going to hold off on posting the results of this month's poll until Sunday Night/Monday Morning (speaking of which...last chance to lock in your votes guys). I'll probably post a new poll of the month Sunday evening as well. The tribute to this month's poll winner should be posted on monday night.
Ok Have a Safe Halloween Everyone. Try to avoid eating too much candy or winding up as a witch's insole. ;-)
p.s Just want to wish a Happy Birthday to Lawliet. ^_^