Gintama - Ep 201, Yorinuki Gintama-san, Bakuchi Dancer PV
In episode 201, the contest to determine the real Santa Claus begins and the contestants are placed in situations that are made up (mostly) by Kagura. At the end of the episode, there's no BG-only scene with the characters talking, instead, there's a message which says 'Thank you kindly for 4 years of support'. After listening to 'Sayonara no Sora' (ending theme) and seeing the message, I feel really sad. Gintama banzai! So with episode 201, I believe that Gintama is temporarily done. I certainly pray hard that they'll come back soon, hopefully in the autumn!Anyway, I found an interesting news. According to Wikipedia Japan, 'Yorinuki Gintama-san'/よりぬき銀魂さん, or 'The Best of Gintama-san', a title that seems to be influenced by Yorinuki Sazae-san, is going to start airing from 5th April 2010 in Japan. So doesn't this mean that Gintama hasn't exactly ended?! ^^
Translation: There's no way it'll be just a normal rebroadcast. Source: TV Tokyo
I certainly hope that we will get to watch 'Yorinuki Gintama-san' too! By the way, do you remember DOES? They did 'Donten' (opening 5) and 'Shura' (ending 5). The good news is they will be doing the theme song for the upcoming Gintama movie, which will premiere on 24th April 2010. I love both 'Donten' and 'Shura' and I think DOES is a great choice! The title of the song for the movie is 'Bakuchi Dancer'. You can listen to the song below. It is a Gintama Movie CM with 'Bakuchi Dancer'. Enjoy