(A huge thanks to Femdom/Scissor expert and Ryomou's scissor toy Breakthewalls for capping and organizing this bonus as well as the Legendary Master of Sole Shots and the Sole Keeper for posting clips and transferring images used in this bonus as well.)
Chouhi reminds me a little bit of Makoto from Street Fighter. This character really makes me smile and I like her personality a lot. :-D A courageous and strong fighter, Chouhi comes off as a rather spirited individual. She's a little bossy and has a bit of a quick temper which really gets tested when dealing with her academy's leader Ryuubi (who would much rather read a book or slack off than train). I'm sure you guys can picture Chouhi's response to that. ^_^; Still you would be hard pressed to find a friend as loyal and true as Chouhi is. This is the type of girl who would walk through fire to protect the people she cares about. Sharing an oath with her friends Kanu and Ryuubi to protect one another, this girl took on a gang of thugs followed by Ryomou just to protect Ryuubi from harm (even continuing to fight even after she was badly beaten up). She was also right there alongside Ryuubi entering the forest where fighters are expected to die. This is one friend that I would definitely want on my side. ^_^
When I was looking through these caps...I couldn't help thinking how lucky Ryuubi was getting trained by a cute tomboy like this. As far as I am concerned, Chouhi can boss me around and abuse me with her feet all she likes. I think that I would probably intentionally slack off just in the hopes of being dominated by her feet as punishment.
Ok everyone...still more Ikkitousen yet to come.
Until Next Time