(Special thanks to Juancho for finding this one. ^_^)
I really love seeing a girl in a kicking pose. :-D It really demonstrates how powerful a woman's feet can be. :-D
Ok as you guys probably already noticed I added a new poll of the month last week. This one lets you guys pick your favorite hair color of girls. :-) They say that gentlemen prefer blondes but what about anime fans? Well now its time to find out. In addition to regular types of blondes, brunettes, black haired beauties and red heads, Anime girls hair also come in other exotic colors like blue, green, purple, orange, pink, and white. Which type of hair color girls do you find yourself most attractive? Just to add in a foot fetish dimension to this one, I've been repeatedly joking about how green haired girls have a lime flavored taste to their feet so I thought it might be fun to imagine getting the opportunity to taste your favorite anime girl's feet and picturing the flavor. You guys can use or ignore the flavor aspect as you see fit.* :-D
To start you guys off...here is a list of some of the women from each category as well as the possible flavors their feet might taste like. Feel free to leave a comment adding in any women or flavors that I might have missed. :-D
Blondes (Possible flavors Lemon, Pineapple): Supergirl (DC Comics), Ino (Naruto), Cammy (Street Fighter), Samus (Metroid), Android 18 (DBZ), Roll (Megaman), Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter), Black Canary (Birds of Prey), Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon), Sailor Venus (Sailor Moon), Power Girl (Power Girl). Nina Williams (Tekken), Invisible Woman (Fantastic Four), Cagali (Gundam Seed), Maria (Castlevania SOTN), Medusa (Soul Eater), Jaina Proudmore (Warcraft), Harley Quinn (DC Comics), Seras (Hellsing), Integra (Hellsing), Speedy "Mia Dearden" (DC Comics), Wonder Girl "Cassie Sandsmark" (DC Comics), Arrowette "Cissie King-Jones", Cornelia (W.I.T.C.H.), Meggan (Excalibur), Tara (Kim Possible), Mihoshi (Tenchi Muyo), Stargirl "Courtney Whitmore" (DC Comics), Donner (Shadow Cabinet), Miss Marvel (Avengers), Halo (Outsiders), Anima (Teen Titans, Blood Pack), Saturn Girl (Legion of Super Heroes), Andromeda (Legion of Superheroes), Flamebird "Mary Elizabeth Kane" (DC Comics), Miu Furinji (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi), Rushuna Tendo (Grenadier), Rainbow Mika (Street Fighter), Dark Magician Girl (Yugioh), Mai Valentine (Yugioh), Princess Peach (Mario), Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda), Renet (TMNT), Torunn (Next Avengers), Energizer "Katie Powers" (Power Pack), Lady Blackhawk "Zinda Blake" (Birds of Prey), Godiva "Dorcas Leigh" (Global Guardians), Izumi Orimoto (Digimon Frontier), Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist), Riza Hawkeye (Full Metal Alchemist), Rikku (FFX), Quistis (FF8), She Ra (She Ra), Shanna the She Devil (Marvel Comics), Windfall "Wendy Jones" (The Outsiders), Elina (Queen's Blade), Melpha (Queen's Blade), Reina (Queen's Blade), Terra "Tara Markov" (Teen Titans), Shy Crazy Lolita Canary (Super Young Team), Little Mermaid "Ulla Paske" (Global Guardians), Arisia (Green Lantern Corp), Ziral (Omega Man), Jenny Sparks (The Authority), Maki (Street Fighter/Final Fight), Batgirl/Spoiler "Stephanie Brown" (Batman), Princess Allura (Voltron), Lucia (Final Fight), Alexis Rhodes (Yugioh GX), White Queen "Emma Frost" (X-men), B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers), Tahiri Veila (Star Wars), Dazzler "Allison Brie" (X-men), Maria Renard (Castlevania: SOTN), Husk "Paige Guthrie" (X-men), Clover (Totally Spies), Ayaka Yukihiro (Negima), Fei Ku (Negima), Evangeline Athanasia Katherine Mcdowell (Negima), Penny Gadget (Inspector Gadget), Shadow Jones (TMNT), Nekane Springfeld (Negima), Takane D. Goodman (Negima), Marle (Chrono Trigger), Ayla (Chrono Trigger), Blue Mary (King of Fighters), Glacia (Pokemon), Cynthia (Pokemon), Greta (Pokemon), Namora "Aquaria Nautica Neptunia" (Agent of Atlas), Namorita (New Warriors), Temari (Naruto), Tsunade (Naruto), Lunch (Dragon Ball), Mina Tepes (Dance in the Vampire Bund), Rio Kinezono (Burn Up W/ Burn Up Excess), King (King of Fighters), Helena Douglas (Dead or Alive), Tina Armstrong (Dead or Alive), Dr. Vivian Porter (Kim Possible), Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat), Milly Thompson (Trigun Manga), Cindy Mcphearson (The Boondocks), Sarah Dubois (The Boondocks), Alia (Megaman X), Pallette (Megaman X), Ciel (Megaman X) She-Dragon "Amy Belcher" (Savage Dragon)
Brown Haired Girls (Possible flavors Chocolate, Caramel): Lita (Sailor Moon), Chun Li (Street Fighter), May (Pokemon), Ty Lee (Avatar), Yukari (Azumanga Daioh), Christie (Tekken), Anna Williams (Tekken), Captain Ramias (Gundam Seed), Sophia Esteed (Star Ocean), Aquagirl "Lorena Marquez" (DC Comics), Joss Possible (Kim Possible), Mary Marvel (DC Comics), Lady Jane (G.I. Joe), Sakura (Steet Fighter), Irma Lair (W.I.T.C.H), Fujiko Mine (Lupin the III), Tea Gardner (Yugioh), Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda), Ryuubi Gentoku (Ikki Tousen), Chouhi Ekitoku (Ikki Tousen), Princess Daisy (Mario), Sparx "Donna Carol Force" (Blood Pack, Superboy & the Ravers), Sakura (Card Captor Sakura), Hikari Yagami (Digimon), Mimi Tachi Kawa (Digimon), Nowa (Queen's Blade), Prysm "Audrey Spears" (Teen Titans), Aerith (FF7), Juli (Street Fighter), Yuna (FFX), Jaina Solo (Star Wars), Nanvel Candlestick (Burn Up w/ Burn Up Excess), Jasmine (Pokemon), Momoko (Pokemon), Hitomi (Dead or Alive), Lisa (Dead or Alive), Millie Thompson (Trigun Anime), Aile (Human Version Megaman ZX)
Black Haired Girls (Possible flavors Dark Chocolate, Black Cherry): Sailor Mars (Sailor Mars), Kagome (Inuyasha), Huntress (Birds of Prey), Pan (DBGT), Videl (DBZ). Jun Kazama (Tekken), Tifa (FF7), Rukia (Bleach), Zatanna (DC Comics), Wonder Woman (DC Comics), Medusa possessed Arachne (Soul Eater) Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in The Shell), Shego (Kim Possible), Monique (Kim Possible), Hay Lin (W.I.T.C.H), Jade Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures), Donna Troy (Titans), Thunder "Anissa Pierce" (DC Comics), Blitzen (Shadow Cabinet), Katana (Outsiders), Shadow Lass (Legion of Super Heroes), Laurel Kent (Legion of Super Heroes), Raven (Teen Titans), Makoto (Street Fighter), Ibuki (Street Fighter), Indigo-1 (Indigo Tribe, Green Lantern), Star Sapphire "Carol Ferris" (Green Lantern), Huntress (Birds of Prey) Batgirl "Cassandra Cain" (DC Comics), Ukitsu (Ikki Tousen), Katara (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Toph (Avatar), June (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Big Barda (New Gods), Gypsy "Cindy Reynolds" (Justice League), Mei Ling (Metal Gear), Jubilee (X-Men), Rin (Inuyasha), Doctor Light "Kimiyo Hoshi" (Justice League), Terra "Atlee" (Teen Titans), Argent "Toni Monetti" (Teen Titans), Freefall "Roxanne Spaulding" (Gen 13), Cattleya (Queen's Blade) Lulu (FFX), Tifa (FF7), Jenny Quantum (The Authority), Swift "Shen Li -Min" (The Authority), Ghost Fox Killer (Great Ten), Mother of Champions (Great Ten), Megan (Amazing Spiez), Juri (Street Fighter), X-23 "Laura Kinney" (X-men), Paine (FFX-2), Ten Ten (Naruto), Alex (Totally Spies), Chigusa Amigasaki (Negima), Konoka Konoe (Negima), Satomi Hakase (Negima), Mantis "Mandy Celestine" (Avengers), Erika (Pokemon), Candice (Pokemon), Phoebe (Pokemon), Kokoro (Dead or Alive), Lei Fang (Dead or Alive), Kitana (Mortal Kombat), Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Jade (Mortal Kombat)
Red Haired Girls (Possible flavors Cherry, Strawberry): Mary Jane Watson (Spiderman), Lunamaria Hawke (Gundam Seed Destiny), Karin (Naruto), Jean Grey (X-men), Lorelei (Pokemon), Red Sonja (Red Sonja), Flannery (Pokemon), Will (W.I.T.C.H.), Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Batgirl (DC Comics), Giganta (DC Comics), Nel (Star Ocean Ex), Kallen (Code Geass), Poison Ivy (DC Comics), Grace Choi (Outsiders), Miss Martian (Teen Titans), Looker (Outsiders), Kei (Dirty Pair Original), Mera (Aquaman), Batwoman (Kathy Kane), Starfire (Teen Titans), Flora (Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors), Scarlett (G.I. Joe), Medusa (The Inhumans), Din (Zelda), Maxima (Justice League), Artemis (Wonder Woman), Meryl Siverburgh (Metal Gear Solid), Rika Makino (Digimon), Edward (Cowboy Bebob), Gloss "Xiang Po" (Global Guardians, New Guardians), Caitlin Fairchild (Gen 13), Risty (Queen's Blade), Claudette (Queen's Blade), Nel (Star Ocean EX), Crimson Viper (Street Fighter), Mara Jade Skywalker (Star Wars), Sam (Totally Spies), Whitney (Pokemon), Knockout (Secret Six), Scandal Savage (Secret Six), Bulleteer "Alix Harrower" (Seven Soldiers of Victory), Kasumi (Dead or Alive), Mayl (Megaman.EXE), Cyclone "Maxine Hunkel" (Justice Society)
Blue Haired Girls (Blueberry, Blue Raspberry, Seasalt): Officer Jenny, Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Kaname Chidori (Full Metal Panic), Kos Mos (Xenosaga), Konata (Lucky Stars), Konan (Naruto), Hinata (Naruto), Claire (Pokemon), Ryomou (Ikki Tousen), Kurumu (Rosario + Vampire), Judith (Tales of Vesperia), Lafiel (Seikai no Senki), Bulma (DBZ), Maria (Star Ocean EX), Erika (Pokemon), Taranee (W.I.T.C.H), Sasami (Tenchi Muyo), Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho), Ryoka (Tenchi Muyo), Yuri (Dirty Pair Original). Misaki Kureha (Divergence Eve), Nayru (Zelda), Sparx (Blood Pack), Starlee Hambrath (TMNT: Fast Forward), Felicia (Dark Stalkers), Nanael (Queen's Blade), Lianna (Omega Man), Blair Flannigan (Yugioh), Maron (DBZ), Lunch (Dragon Ball), Liza (Pokemon), Karen (Pokemon), Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2)
Purple Haired Girls (Grape, Wildberry): Ayane (Dead or Alive), Anko (Naruto), Psylocke (X-men), Rose (Street Fighter), Kagami (Lucky Stars), Tsukasa (Also Lucky Stars), Shelley (Xenosaga), Mizore (Rosario+Vampire), Yoruichi (Bleach), Bulma (Dragon Ball), Celine (Star Ocean), Zhalia Moon (Huntik), Kanu Unchou (Ikki Tousen), Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in The Shell), Ayeka (Tenchi Muyo), Blair (Soul Eater), Yolei Inoue (Digimon), Lilith (Darkstalkers), Lucca (Chrono Trigger), Janine (Pokemon), Winona (Pokemon), Fantina (Pokemon), Shampoo (Dead or Alive), Layer (Megaman X), Aura "Lindsay Wah" (Superboy and the Ravers),
Green Haired Girls (Possible Flavors Lime, Green Apple): Tira (Soul Calibur), Lynn (Fire Emblem), Sabrina (Pokemon), Morrigan (Dark Stalkers), Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon), Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon), She Hulk (Marvel Comics), Bulma (DBZ), CC (Code Geass), Aphrodite IX (Aphrodite IX), Farore (Zelda), Saria (Zelda), Emerald (Sailor Moon), Amuro (Umisho), Fire (Justice League), Jade "Jennifer Lynn Hayden" (Infinity Inc.), Shiny Happy Aquazon "Kim Kimura" (Super Young Team), Jet "Celia Windward" (New Guardians Global Guardians), Echidna (Queen's Blade), Luna (Yugioh), Maya Jingu (Burn Up W/ Burn Up Excess), Bridget (Tokyo Mew Mew), Nel (Bleach)
Orange Haired Girls (Possible Flavors Orange, Tangerine): Nami (One Piece), Misty (Pokemon), Hakufu (Ikki Tousen), Orihime (Bleach), Artemis (Wonder Woman), Kasumi (Dead or Alive), Volcana (Superman), Crystal (The Inhumans), Angela (Spawn), Sora Takenouchi (Digimon), Citrine (Xenosaga), Juni (Street Fighter), Gardenia (Pokemon)
Pink Haired Girls (Possible Flavors Bubblegum, Cotton Candy): Sakura (Naruto), Moka (Rosario+Vampire), Maylene (Pokemon), Momoko Kuzuryƫ (Sumomomo Momomo), Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed), Miyuki (Lucky Stars) Louise (Familiar of Zero), Indigo (Outsiders), Chohi Ekitoku (Koihime Muso), Melona (Queen's Blade), Lilca Ebert ("Burn Up w/ Burn Up Excess)
White Haired Girls (Possible Flavors Coconut, Vanilla): Storm (X-men), Elena (Street Fighter), Queen La (Tarzan), Kida (Atlantis),Vanessa (Virtua Fighter), Inner Moka (Rosario+Vampire), Black Cat (Spiderman), Princess Yue (Avatar), Sparx (Superboy and the Ravers), Dove "Dawn Granger" (Hawk and Dove), Dolphin (Aquaman), Ice (Justice League), Rima the Jungle Girl (DC Comics), Laughing Octopus (Metal Gear Solid 4), Olga Gurlukovich (Metal Gear Solid 2), Judy Jetson (The Jetsons), Drew Saturday (Secret Saturdays), Christie (Dead or Alive), Chou'un (Ikkitousen)
Ok as usual...voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so everyone can participate. I'd really love to see what your opinions are. :-D
Alright everyone...if all goes well I should be posting another weeklong tribute to a hot set of women tomorrow.
Until Next Time Guys!!
*Note: As with every poll it's meant to be fun...don't take it too seriously and vote for whoever you want to. ^_^