Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaleido Star Bonus 7: Sora

Just kidding...You didn't think I would forget to post Sora...did you? Anyway let's close out Kaleido Star with style. ^_^

(These jaw dropping caps came directly from the Match25. )

So there you have it. After 7 beautiful women, 39 pictures and 33 amazing sole time to close the chapter on this amazing series of caps. I bet if you didn't have a foot fetish by the time I started posting certainly have one now. :-D

Once again, I'd like to thank the Master of Sole Shots for giving me the pictures to put these bonus together. Without him...this set of tributes would never have been possible. Match if you're reading this (and I'm sure you are ^_^) you totally rock man.

Ok...after 7 consecutive bonuses, I'm pretty wiped out in terms of energy. I'm probably spend tommorow resting up and I'll also be getting home late so I don't know if I'll have a chance to post my end of the week bonus. If I don't get around to it...I'll post it on Saturday evening.

Ok everyone...Enjoy the pictures!!!

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