(These are various webfinds collected from different sources. In particular I once again have to thank Otakuphrenia and Comic Vine for posting soon really cool images for me to use.)
Like Amalia, Zatanna also makes a really nice double fantasy combination being a soceress and superhero at the same time. As an fellow author once pointed out to me...her sexy choice of footwear probably means her feet could use a lot of attention by the end of a day. I think all of us would love to be there to help her take off her pumps and stockings after an exhausting magic show and give her sore and tired feet a nice massage. Not only that...just think that this hot heroine has the power to shrunk you, turn you into her insole or make you her foot pet with a couple of words. Hot!!!
Ok...with November rapidly coming to a close, its the last chance to vote in the current poll everyone. I'll post the poll results, a new poll and a tribute to the winner very soon.
Have a great day everybody.