(These are capped from the Animated film Batman: Gotham Knight. A Huge thanks to Juancho for tipping me off to this scene and getting me to finally take this movie off my must see list and into my DVD player.)
For those of you that don't know, Gotham Knight is a combination of several animated shorts put together by different Japanese animation teams. As such you get to see a lot of really cool artistic styles in the film and the movie has this anime like feel to it. It's really intense to see. Much like the similarly designed Animatrix film, this one works as bridge tying together and expanding upon the two Christopher Nolan Batman films. Cassandra's short "Working Through Pain" is a flashback to Batman's training in India as he attempts to master his ability to feel pain. To do so he attempts to enlist the help of a group of Indian mystics known as The Fakir but they turn him down because he is an outsider. Instead he is directed to the mysterious outcast Cassandra who has mastered the art and is willing to teach him her skills.
While calling Cassandra a spellcaster is definitely a stretch, she does have certain mystical abilities to herself. She has completely mastered her mind and body to the point where she can walk across hot coals or pierce her body with pins seemingly without feeling any pain at all. She also shows an amazing amount of kindness and empathy thoroughout her film while at the same time showing a huge strength of will. The viewer really sympathizes and admire her very much. This short involving her is a really powerful and emotional segment; very well written and put together. I really recommend that you check this one and the Gotham Knight film in general out. It's very very good!
Ok everyone... I'm going to take the weekend to regroup, reorganize and gain back some strength but I should be back posting again soon. Still have a lot of spellcasters and other bonuses to post.
Onwards and Upwards