(All webfinds this time. ^_^ A Huge thanks to W.I.T.C.H. Expert P and the Sole Keeper for tipping me off to this hot Guardian.)
Unlike the other Guardians, Orube doesn't have her own element. However she makes up for that with her advanced Martial Arts skills. Just imagine how powerful her feet must be. ;-) She also has enhanced strength, agility, and cat-like abilities and senses. Not being from Earth, she hasn't had much contact with humans so she doesn't know how to relate to them. She starts off cold and isolated from the other witches but eventually she becomes their friend as she learns how to relate with other people. She likes music and animals.
Sadly, Orube appears in the comic series after the arcs covered by the cartoon so we don't get to see her attractive bare feet in animation. On the plus side, Orube's fighting costume has her barefoot all the time. Barefoot Martial Arts W.I.T.C.H. Woot!!!
Ok...one last W.I.T.C.H bonus to go guys. On that note more to come soon!!