Saturday, October 16, 2010

First Impression: Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

Ok... I know the second episode is out but I haven't watch it yet so my impression is purely based on the first episode. The first episode was a little disappointing and I think the main reason why I felt this way was because my expectation was a little too high. The conclusion of the episode was quite heart warming but the plot itself is very predictable. I hope the future cases will be more interesting and less predictable.What's Hot?- Only Yakumo lives up to the expectation! Normally, he already looks cool but with the red eye, his cool factor multiplies.
What's Not?- Predictable plot- The girl will definitely end up being Yakumo's assistant or something similar. Usually, such characters are very irritating as they are usually very useless and damsel-like. I hope she won't turn out that way.Bookmark and Share
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