Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Impression: Tegami Bachi REVERSE

It's great to see Tegami Bachi return with a new season. Appropriately, the animation team named this season Tegami Bachi REVERSE as this season will mainly be focusing on the anti-government group called Reverse. Anyway, I love the first episode. The emotional reunion of Lag and Gauche was done really well and I was also pleasantly surprised with the appearance of Jiggy Pepper as the Jiggy Pepper scene was not in the manga. Jiggy Pepper is such a cool character and I think he needs more air time both in the anime and manga.What's Hot?- Gauche looks so dark and cool as Noir.- I love the reunion scene though it's quite sad.- Jiggy Pepper!
What's Not?- Nothing.Bookmark and Share
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