Yukari is always fun to watch. She's the first character introduced in the series and really sets the comedic mood of the show with her crazy personality. She's also so attractive that I probably would have a hard time concentrating in her class because I'd be daydreaming about giving her a foot massage. As for my favorite moment involving her...it's tough to choose. I love how she reacts when she hears anyone had crab. I also love her rivalry moments with Nyamo where she takes it to ridiculous levels. Then there's her driving ability. *Laughs* I could probably go on all day...Yukari's really something. ^_^
In addition to these...StreetFighterDash asked me to share his Deviant art link where he's been posting a lot his stories recently. http://sffan.deviantart.com/ and his new message board here: http://animefootfeishzone.yuku.com/.