The music is horrible in this episode. I'm just sharing, not complaining as it's supposed to be horrible. I hope Chiaki can quickly improve the Roux Marlet Orchestra so that they can play better music. Seriously, the orchestra needs a major overhaul.Chiaki seems to have become more mature and stronger. Despite the lousy performance by the Marlet Orchestra, he still maintains a smile and remains positive. The old Chiaki might have sulked or walked out of the theater.Poor Nodame loses her first opportunity to perform with Chiaki to Rui. I'm quite surprised that Nodame does not try to fight back for the opportunity. Given her personality, I did expect her to. Anyway, instead of fighting back for the chance, she gets emo about it =/This week, the sub comes out a little slow. Let's hope the sub of
Nodame Cantabile: Paris Hen will come out faster next week. ^^
Episode 7
(behind pink blanket) wakes up in Nodame's messy room. Rui was drunk the day before.
(haha.. look at where Nodame is sleeping at.. It is a Kotatsu! remember?)
Chiaki arrives at Theater Blanc for practice with the Roux Marlet Orchestra.

Theo, the orchestra's only agency staff, welcomes Chiaki warmly. He warns Chiaki about not going against the concertmaster as there's not enough time for practice and he does not want any disputes.

Practice starts. Chiaki introduces himself formally to the Roux Marlet Orchestra.Their first practice piece is
'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'.

Chiaki requests for the orchestra to increase their tempo but the concertmaster
(Right) is against it.

Theo signals to Chiaki not to make things worse. Chiaki responds by saying 'Do as the concertmaster say but make sure you emphasize it'.
(haha.. isn't it the same as saying 'Listen to me!')
The practice session then ends with the ballet girls chasing them out.

Rui currently has no apartment to stay in so she makes Nodame go look for an apartment with her. Instead of doing that, Rui goes shopping. Rui buys many things but Nodame only buys one thing - Gorota figurine, which looks like an ugly doll to Rui.

Rui and Nodame walk to a park. They take a stroll by the fountain. A boy is playing with his wooden yacht in the fountain. Nodame joins in the fun.

However, the wooden yacht goes too far out. Nodame tries to retrieve it but falls into the fountain instead.

The day of performance has arrived. Nodame prepares breakfast for Chiaki. It does not seem tasty though.

Theo informs Chiaki about the lack of a percussion player and a celesta player. This makes Chiaki very angry. Chiaki tells Theo he will look for the celesta player but asks Theo to find a percussion player by hook or by crook.

Chiaki calls Nodame.
(haha.. lovestruck ♥) He asks her to play the celesta for him and this makes Nodame even happier!!

Nodame immediately rushes to Theatre Blanc.She's shocked to see Rui outside. Rui has performed with Roux Marlet Orchestra before so she's familiar with Theatre Blanc
. (=/ Mongoose appears yet again..)
In the theater, they bump into Theo. Theo recognizes Rui and assumes that Rui is the one Chiaki invites to play the celesta. This makes Nodame very depressed.

Everyone is happy to see Rui back. They are happy to have her play the celesta.Rui also knows the concertmaster. When Rui starts saying good things about Chiaki, the concertmaster does not seem happy.

Chiaki tries to tell everyone that Nodame is the one he calls. But Nodame asks him not to do so.

YunLong, Frank, Tanya and Kuroki all come to support Chiaki.

The performance starts. They play Ravel's Bolero first. The music is horrendous!

You can tell how bad the music is from their expression.

In the end, Theo couldn't find the percussion player. So this guy playing the gong is supposed to mute the gong at the end. His plan is to hit the symbols and quickly run to the gong and hug it to mute it.However, he trips and falls onto the gong instead.

Chiaki is aware of all the problems with Roux Marlet Orchestra and he is determined to turn it around and make his way to the top.