Ahhh!!!!! Bleach is getting more interesting!! I scream when I hear Kenpachi's voice at the end. I never expect him to appear so soon. This is good as we are moving on to more interesting and exciting fights!!In this episode, we get to see Nel's resurreccion. She looks like a half-woman half antelope. Tesla
(Nnoitra's fraccion) totally own Ichigo. Pesche and Dondochakka put up a good fight against Syazel but too bad, they still lose out. They also show a little of how Rukia and Chad are doing. They both looking like they are dying.
Episode 195
Nel releases! And this is her released form.

She attacks Nnoitra with her lancer.

The focus shifts to Syazel v Pesche and Dondochakka. Whey does Syazel look so shocked??!!
(Answer: Next picture)

Pesche is digging something from his loin-cloth!! XD It's a kantana!!

Pesche wields his kantana and manages to scratch Syazel.

Renji is very impressed!!

Pesche's kantana is called Ultima. Like Ushida's arrow and bow, it's made of spirit particles.Ishida does not think that both weapons are similar and Pesche starts calling him Bloody Coward which sounds like Missing Innards in Japanese.

Missing Innards v Bloody Coward
(lame but still bearable!)

Pesche then goes on and says that his 'thing' is thicker and more useful than Ishida's 'thing'. After that scene, Dondochakka appears and advises us not to copy Pesche.
(ultra lame!! I wonder what's the thing? :P)

Syazel sends out 2 giants to attack Dondochakka.Dondochakka easily defeats them!
(w00t! I'm impressed!)
Pesche and Dondochakka combines their cero and make a 'Cero Sincretico' attack!

The focus now shifts back to Nel.While she is making her last move on Nnoitra, she suddenly transforms back to small Nel.

Ichigo tries to save Nel but gets himself attacked instead.

Nnoitra then switches position with Tesla.

Tesla releases!
(He looks like a mammoth!)
Syazel is unscathed after Pesche's and Dondochakka's 'Cero Sincretico' attack. He manages to avoid that attack by separating the 2 cero.

Zommari Leroux
(7th Espada) appears at the place where Rukia and Aaroniero fought. Aaroniero is confirmed dead and Rukia looks like she's dying.

Back to Ichigo v Tesla, Ichigo is defenseless against Tesla.When Tesla is about to give his finishing punch..

Kenpachi appears!!!!!!!
(Can't wait for next week!!)