I've been using the word 'gay' in the last 2 reviews. Remember how Jin and Akiba hugged? Remember how Jin looked at Daitetsu's half naked body?This episode touches on Jin's and Daitetsu's sexual orientation. Due to a slipped mouth
(guess whose mouth?), everyone in school thinks that they are a gay couple.Well, knowing the number of 'Playboy' type of magazines Jin has, of course we all know that Jin is not actually a gay. =^.^=This episode also touches on the special relationship between Jin and Tsugumi. They are childhood friends and they have shared many good and bad times togather. There's also indication that Jin might have some feelings for Tsugumi. (^ω^)V
Jin's and Tsugumi's childhood (Kawaii!)Episode 9
The Art Club members and Tsugumi are speculating why Nagi and Daitetsu were fighting.After a short discussion, Takako reckons that Daitetsu is a dom. Akiba is surprised that she knows what's a dom. Takoko confesses that she has been researching 'special terms' on the internet ever since the Maid Cafe trip. (=_=;)
she has nothing better to do!

Takoko ransacks Akiba's bag and finds many different genres of manga including yaoi!

The Art Club sempai find him perverse. Akiba tries to justify by saying that he checks out any artist who draws well regardless of genre.

Tsugumi picks up the yaoi manga to read. She opens the manga and comments that the art style is beautiful but blushes after she flips to the next page. She then blushingly tells sempai never to read it.
(haha.. so cute)

After Takako explains to everyone what's a dom and what's a sub, Tsugumi recalls she has asked Jin what he likes about Daitetsu. Jin replies.. Body!

Tsugumi finds that a little suspicious.

Tsugumi rushes out of the art room and at the corridor, she accidentally slips her mouth and shouts out that Jin and Daitetsu are a homosexual couple.

Rumors start to fly around. Nagi's homepage is also updated with that news.

Daitetsu receives a love letter from an admirer.

Of course, Daitetsu is shocked!

Tsugumi is feeling down because of the rumors. She feels guilty for slipping her mouth. A classmate of hers decided to cheer her up by bring her to Zange for confession.Tsugumi shares with Zange what happens. Zange can't stop laughing when she hears how careless Tsugumi is.

Tsugumi decides to visit Jin to apologize to him face-to-face. Since, no one answers the door and the door is not locked, she just enters the house.

Due to the rain, Tsugumi is all wet. She wants to go to the toilet to dry herself. When she opens the toilet door, she finds a Fully Naked Jin. (O.O;)Tsugumi's face turns very red!

Nagi returns home and finds out about what happens. She probes Tsugumi about how it is. Tsugumi shyly replies that it's ordinary. (^ω^)V

Zange suddenly appears. The 3 girls start to look at Jin's childhood album.
(Poor Jin! :D)

Kawaii!! (^O^)/

When the 3 girls are about to see his Junior High pictures, Jin confiscates the album.Tsugumi later tells Zange and Nagi that Jin was quite rebellious during his Junior High days.

Tsugumi finally finds the opportunity to apologize to Jin. However, before she apologizes, Jin wants to apologize first.

He wants to apologize for causing trouble for Tsugumi during Junior High days. Tsugumi tells him not to worry about that because she knows exactly how he feels and thinks so she's never afriad as she believes that Jin is always Jin.

It's Tsugumi's turn to apologize. After knowing the truth, Jin is obviously angry!

Zange proposes Jin to choose a dating partner
(either Tsugumi or Zange) so that everyone will stop thinking Jin is gay.

When Jin is about to decide on Tsugumi..

Nagi interrupts and suggests Tsugumi and Zange to both flirt with Jin in school.

The next day, during lunch time in school, both Tsugumi and Zange are feeding Jin food. Jin becomes the center of attraction again.

Daitetsu looks from afar. He appears shocked.

Akiba and the Art club sempai are again speculating about Jin.
Ending Credits