(These webfinds of artwork promoting the new PS3 game as well as the clips below come directly from the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 himself.)
Sasha is about as evil as they come taking global terrorism to the extreme and using toxic sludge to turn humans into her reaper slaves. She really seems to relish total destruction and torturing/humiliating her unfortunate victims. Possessing some serious Psychic power, physical enhanced strength, and the ability to control minds, she is a very risky villain to go up against. If that wasn't dangerous enough, Sasha is fully aware of how sexy she is and uses the fact that she's an attractive female character to attempt to seduce the player throughout the game. Should you wind up in the apocalyptic future this game is set in...you'd best be on your guard for this bad girl or you might wind up as her love slave before you realize what is happening.
The really nice thing about the Infamous videogame is that the player has the ability to chose whether he wishes to be good or evil. Depending on the choices the main character makes, Sasha will either be an enemy or ally. As an added incentive to pursue the course of evil...Sasha is there to guide you through some of the crueler missions in the game flirting with you the entire time. Talk about a reason to turn to the dark side. ^_^
Just to help you guys fully appreciate how evil, manipulative, and seductive she is, here are a couple of clips involving Sasha at her best. ^_^
Ok...it looks like we're reaching the light at the end of the villainess tunnel. ^_^ 17 more villainesses left and on that note...more to come soon.