Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Poll 34: Results

Well the 34th Poll of the month has come to an end. After a whopping 1666 are the results.

LOL...In hindsight I probably should have realized that with Black and White being just released that the Pokemon women were going to be untouchable. ^_^; They pretty much captured the majority of fans hearts from beginning to end. I think that if it had been any other time...the Naruto girls could have taken them. As it was they finished second. In third place were videogames girls. (I really need to make a note of that one too). I think that the rest of the girls had a pretty decent showing. Even the lowest voted Spies and Sci-Fi girls proved to have a couple of fans. ^_^

Anyway, thanks very much to everyone for voting. :-) As always...I'll try to keep your opinions in mind in the future. ;-)

Hmm...Bulma, Mizore, Sandals and now the Pokemon Women. A lot of tributes to catch up on...let's start posting. :-D
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