Friday, April 1, 2011

Poll 33 Results/No Prank ^_^;

Sorry April fools day prank this year (though I'm sure some of you are relieved about that ^_^;). Also apologize for the lack of updates and response to comments/e-mail recently. My school work this year has pretty much reached a climax of difficulty. Unfortunately it is probably not going to lighten up until the Easter break in a couple of weeks. If you can...wish me luck with my Comprehensive exams next weekend. I am really going to need it. ^_^; Anyway here are the results of this month's poll...

Wow a lot of sandals fans I didn't see that one coming. ^_^; Plus socks and stockings took second and third place respectively. I'll try to find more of those types of scenes for you guys. Thanks very much for voting everyone. ^_^

As for the next poll...hmm I have to think about that one. Unless I get a really good idea for one, I'll probably take a break to catch up on tributing the winners.

I'll still try to post the GTS finale tomorrow before going on an extended break until Easter. ^_^

Anyway Happy April Fool's day guys ^_^