Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bleach Episode 192

Am I the only the one who is expecting a new voice actor for Adult Nel?? All is good for this episode except for Adult Nel's voice acting... Adult Nel has a cool look and a cute, sharp voice is definitely not suitable for her... =/ I'm expecting a cool or sexy voice...Shinigami Golden features my favorite Byakuya :D (finally.. seems like a long time since we last saw him..)The BIG word Byakuya is writing means Will (as in willpower)Episode 192This episode starts with Nnoitra revealing Nel's past to Ichigo.. Nel can't seem to recall and asks Itsygo.. to trust her..Of course.. Ichigo trusts her..And even promises to protect her.. but..He spends the next 5 min getting whacked around by Nnoitra. (this part is very draggy!!)Nel can't bear to watch and suddenly..Like magic... she explodes emitting purple fumes.. and transforms into Beautiful Adult Nel.. (real cool right?! how can this face match a.. cute, high pitched voice?!)Here, it's revealed that she's the ex-3rd Espada!She starts her attack on Nnoitra.She uses her 'special skill'.. Double cero. (she absorbs the cero of her opponent and adds on her own cero to attack her opponent back)After the Double cero attack, Nel thinks that she has won and runs to Ichigo and hug him (haha.. he must be feeling very suffocated with her big front.. pressing on him. Anyway, I don't think a cute smiley face is suitable for Adult Nel. She suits the cool look more.. )However, their happiness is shortlived as Nnoitra is only scratched by her Double cero attack.And next week.. the fight continues..Bookmark and Share
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